--NoDr - YGO--


Erlang on Factor ?

Classé dans: — @ 7:53 am

Great, Chris Double is trying to put some of the Erlang concepts on Factor like asynchronous lite process, supervisor and distrubution.
Except the yielding model, coopérative, this could be a very good thing ! .

Erlang is a great, instrustrial strengh, environment but, I see Factor as a more general multi purpose language. The pure fonctionnal of Erlang is better for secure software but is not adapt at all for some task such as multimedia or imaging.

With Factor you can write code at interpreter level, compile some sensible part and even go down to internal assembly level if the speed really matter. The stack oriented permet to code in imperative level, but the concatenative part is not so far of functionnal.
Erlang is only well adapt to network oriented back office program but very poor for heavy graphic end user software.
Factor internals are more understantable than Erlang. The Erlang compiler is very complex and heavy.

I think there is a real potential in Factor, even if not finished yet
( Factor essentials In french )

NB: comment about Erlang and other language concurrency, including Factor, on 3pBlog from Mickaël REMOND

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